Monday, April 13, 2020

Test - Trace - Isolate - to buy time to develop the vaccines

As best as I can tell in my readings, the best path forward is to test, trace, and isolate. 

Tests.  We need millions of tests.  If we can go back to work, and be tested as we enter our workplaces, we can know who is safe to enter the workplace.  And the testing would have to be given on a regular basis since we can become infected and spread the virus for up to 14 days even if we don't exhibit any symptoms.

If we are found to be carrying the virus then we isolate - go back to our homes and ride out the disease, working with the doctors and health system.

Once we know we are infected we can work with the professionals to contact all that we have come into contact with so that they can be tested.  Those who are not infected have a clean bill of health to work and circulate.  Those who discover they are infected become isolated themselves.

It is not like we don't know how to deal with a pandemic.  We did so successfully in the past - from HIV to SARS to Swine Flu to Ebola, and in the more distant past - polio, measles, mumps, etc. 

What we don't have is a Federal Government that knows what to do.  Correction, we used to have a Federal Government that knew what to do but this Federal Government fired and forced out the scientists and experts because this government is run by the "instincts" of a profoundly ignorant president who simply cannot rely on experts or anyone that knows more than he does because his astonishingly idiotic ego thinks he knows more than the experts.  And this president is supported by a Republican Party that has spent half a century disdaining, disempowering, and dismissing as much of the government expertise as they could get away with.  (Taxed Enough Already - right?) Well, how is that working out?

Plus, of course, this president is literally incapable of thinking about anybody other than himself, and is someone who is literally incapable of caring or compassion. 

But, there are others, mostly outside of the Federal Government who so know what to do and I expect them to do it. 

What we need to do is test, trace, and isolate while the most vital work of all, creating an effective vaccine, can put this disease on the ash heap of history along with so many highly contagious diseases have been with good vaccines in the past, such as polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough, pneumococcal disease, tetanus, menengoccal disease, hepatitis B, chicken pox, diptheria, etc.  It is hard for us to imagine how deadly airborne and waterborne diseases where before vaccinations because they are mostly gone from the world. The Coronavirus can join that list of defeated diseases as well, but we need time to develop that vaccines.