Monday, April 27, 2020

Don't drink the Kool Aid, er no, the Lysol or Clorox

A terrible but iconic moment in history is when the followers of Jim Jones all committed collective suicide by drinking the poisoned Kool Aid to die with their worshiped leader, Jim Jones.  Astonishingly, some Trump worshipers seem to have taken Donald Trump's advice to get disinfectants inside their bodies and there are reports of people ingesting Lysol and Clorox.  

I expect this is a very few number of people, but if your only source of info is to listen to and believe Donald Trump, you put yourself in a very vulnerable situation, because our president seems to have a very wobbly grasp on reality.  Thus he speculates that something that can actually kill you might be good for you.

He lies endlessly and compulsively.  And it seems to be worse than that, he seems to literally inhabit a fantasy world of his own ego driven make believe that can be remarkably dangerous to all of us, but especially to those who seem to worship him uncritically.

Don’t drink the Kool Aid.