Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mueller's testimony

For those of us who actually read the Mueller report, his testimony is no surprise, just a restatement of what he wrote:

  • Russia interfered with and influenced the election of 2016, and Russia and other hostile nations are doing so again right now.
  • He did not charge Trump with obstruction of justice because Department of Justice rules said he couldn't
  • He didn't make a determination whether Trump committed a crime of obstruction, leaving that to others (read Congress)
  • He said Trump was Not Exculpated of obstruction even though Trump repeatedly says we was totally exonerated by the report
  • He said that Trump could be prosecuted for crimes after he leaves office.
  • He said that criminality was not the necessary standard for determining a politicians fitness in office, things like ethics are a needed standard.

There was no "gasp" moment in the hearings that would grip the nation in astonishment and horror.  I have been gasping in horror ever since Trump's disgusting ride down his elevator announcing his candidacy by attacking brown people as the basis of his candidacy.  It remains the basis of his presidency.

There is enough to impeach him in the House, of course, but I don't see the Senate convicting him.

I think it is time for Congress to focus on his current unconstitutional violations, such as his massive refusals to allow people in his administration honor subpoenas to testify.  Such as investigating financial crimes of money laundering and tax fraud and financial obligations to other countries that force him to do their bidding rather than operating in the interest of America.

We have a criminal in the White House.  And the Republicans know it and the Republicans are doing nothing about it.
