Autocrats. They are domineering authoritarian threatening violent bullies. And they have put their autocratic leader, the orange blob, into the White House come January 20, 2025. But, how is it going for them?
Well, it turns out there seem to be three brands of authoritarian autocrats who put their autocratic leader blob on the top of the heap - oligarchs, theocrats, and nativists. And they are not built to play well together.
Oligarch autocrat Elon Musk wants smart technocratic immigrants to come to America so he, and the techno oligarchs, can pay them below what they would have to pay American techno geeks. Plus the imports would be trapped in the company they work for or be deported if they leave, as I understand it.
Oops! The nativist autocrats are murderously furious. These extremists want NO immigrants, especially immigrants that replace White American workers. So, war…
When do the theocratic autocrats go to war with another autocratic extremist wing? What will be the trigger?
What is the orange king to do? Pick sides? Waffle? Punish? One thing we know he is incapable of is diplomacy, negotiation, compromise.
Could be amusing to watch. Or the fallout could be terrible for the rest of us? Violence is part of the air they breathe.
Well, this is what Americans voted for, but I think many will be surprised at the results.