If you want big inflation, vote for Trump. Trump’s stupid sweeping tariffs will obviously create a big boost in inflation. The imported goods’ prices skyrocket, domestic prices skyrocket almost as much but a bit lower, other countries retaliate with tariffs. Boom go the prices.
He is a stupid man with stupid ideas that are impervious to change.
If you are retired and on a fixed income tariffs are a path to impoverishment. So why do so many older white folks support this nonsense? I can only attribute lack of understanding how tariffs work - starting at the top. Plus, many are in his Cult, so they blindly agree and obey.
It’s the inflation, stupid.
Plus, of course, when he puts American businesses out of business with his Tariff wars he will also put millions of small businesses out of business by deporting millions of Hispanics (you know, brown people who “poison the blood” of white supremacist America). So, welcome to the second Great Depression caused by another Republican president.
It’s the second Great Depression, stupid.