Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Calls for genocide - again

Campus protests against the Israeli slaughters in Gaza are totally understandable, I too am appalled by the Netanyahu right-wing extremist attacks. But, I am afraid that the campus protests are including calls for killing of Jews. This is too terrible.

I have long opposed the right-wing extremist government of Netanyahu and its imposition of an apartheid style rule in Israel. I only see a two-state solution as any solution. And I find it terrible that there are those on the Palestinian side, Hamas for example, who will never settle for anything less than slaughter of the Jews and drive them out of "Palestine". And there are extremists in Israel who see only driving Palestinians out of "Israel".

I have stayed out of comment about this because there has been no willingness to do anything other than tyrannize or kill for decades. But I decry the call to kill Jews in America.

For me the needed step is get rid of Netanyahu and his extremist right-wing government. Also needed is action against the threats of killing in these anti-Israeli demonstrations.

I am sickened by the slaughters in Gaza. I am sickened by the slaughters by Hamas. I visualize and hope that people open their hearts to each other.

As soon as someone talks about a terrible past they are just talking about justifying the killing of the other side. This has gone on all my adult life.

Hate does not produce a workable future. I am so tired of this endless hatred.