Thursday, December 14, 2023

Accuse Biden the same as Trump was accused

We keep getting educated in the strategies of authoritarian extremist overthrows of Democracy.  Today, the Republican extremist House of Representatives, at the command of their authoritarian leader, the Former Guy, have formally approved an impeachment inquiry into President Biden.

Why? Because the twice impeached Former Guy told them to.  Why did he tell them to?  So that he could claim a parallel - he was impeached and so was Biden.  

This is a false parallel, of course.  False parallels are the basic tools of deception. 

The Former Guy was impeached for trying to overthrow the elected president, Biden.  The Former Guy was impeached for blackmailing Ukraine to force them to tell lies about investigating the then Vice President, Biden.  The Former Guy was impeached for impeachable offenses. 

And it is to the never-ending shame of the Republican Senators that they were too cowardly to convict him and remove him permanently from any government office.  Why? Because they were afraid of him.  They still are.  That is how authoritarian extremists operate - threats, punishments, fear, fear, fear, fear...

So, now, the Former Guy gets to con his cult into thinking it is all the same, Biden will be impeached just like he was, so there!  (By the way, there is no evidence of a Biden crime.  I don't think there is even a charge of a specific crime.  The extremist Republicans will throw up a big smoke screen and will be unlikely to find anything of substance.)

I actually think that even though it now seems too likely that the Former Guy, and the authoritarian, well financed, highly educated, meticulously planned extremist supporters will seize the government and rule with a cruel theocratic and oligarchic fist, the truth is the American people will say no, and will defeat them soundly in 2024.  And this will just be another, eventually forgotten attempt of fascists trying to seize the country, just as they failed in the '30s to establish Nazi terror in the U.S.

I just hope that real Republicans, real conservatives, have the integrity to just turn away from this revolutionary takeover of the Republican Party and this precious democracy of America.  

Just vote no.  Please.