Friday, November 10, 2023

MAGA extremists out to shut down the government and destroy it

 Historian Heather Cox Richrdson has a good summary of the MAGA extremists in Congress who are refusing to fund the government:

"They want to gut the government that regulates business, provides a basic social safety net, promotes infrastructure, and protects civil rights...If they can prevent the government from accomplishing anything, they will have achieved their goal.

I would add that the White Christian Nationalists also want to rule the country by their own distorted authoritarian version of the bible:

"North Dakota state representative Brandon Prichard has previously called for Republican-dominated states to “put into code that Jesus Christ is King and dedicate their state to Him.” 

Our democracy is under attack, and it is not just by the vengeful, frothing at the mouth madman, Trump, who is out to destroy it.  MAGA extremists are about to shut the government down with little hope of the extremists ever letting it be funded.  They think they are being "courageous" or "principled".  But they are just tiny tots holding their breath until they get their way and turn blue in the face - only it's the rest of us who will "turn blue" and reject their insistence that we suffer their cruelty.

And it's not just the current continuing the funding of the government, some other particulars they target is the Farm Bill that will need funding this year (they really hate that SNAP program - Food Stamps - hate feeding poor people)

And let's not forget that they intend to cut funding to Ukraine's fight against Putin's invasion - they are Putin's puppets.  Are they just foolish, or are they being controlled by Russia?

Greed, theocratic fanaticism, white supremacy, domination, alliance with dictators - these are the things that have taken over what used to be the Republican Party.

We are in a crisis in this country and a lot of us know it.  And I firmly believe that the majority of Americans see this and will reject it.  But these extremists are doing as much damage as they can while they can.  

Very, very sad.  America used to be great, before the Former Guy hopped on the forces of American destruction and is trying to ride it into an Oligarchic-Christo-Fascist police state where he gets to be King and the most important person in the history of America - the one who destroyed it.

But I believe in the essential goodness of America to see, be appalled by, and overthrow these terribly misguided forces.  

They are going to lose. And they are angry about it.