Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Extortion is not negotiation

 The "negotiating" advice that the deeply corrupt, lifelong criminal Former Guy is demanding of the Republican Party is not actual negotiating, it is extortion, it is  blackmail. It is how this cheat has cheated in business all of his adult life.  He signs contracts and breaks them and has done so all of his life. He refuses to pay vendors and has done so all of his life.  

He is a man of zero character.  His word is not his bond; his word is his promise that whatever he does it will not be what he says he will do, and will not be according to the contracts he signs.  It will be a promise to break his make believe promise and blackmail and extort and cheat and steal.  

That is who he is, and that is who the MAGA Cult party is becoming.  Because they admire and copy him.  Character is the biggest predictor of behavior and we see his character, and the character (lack of it) in his slavish MAGA Cult.

I deeply hope that the Republican House does not stick to its extortion, and ends up with a negotiation and continues to pay the country's bills and funds the government.  That they say no to the Former Guy and his cult following.