Friday, March 10, 2023


 What things are unsustainable in our country and world? We are in a phase of chaos and destruction, so what are things that might disappear?

  • Massive inequality between the super wealthy and the middle class and poor?
  • Fossil fuels and corporate agriculture creating environmental destruction?
  • Nuclear weapons in the hands of unreliable, authoritarian regimes?
  • Military slaughter weapons in possession of a violent American populace?
  • Disinformation and lying propaganda media obliterating the news to create autocratic and corrupt forms of rule?
  • Political parties dedicated to the overthrow of democracy? 

I don't know how any of these go away, and they never will entirely.  I don't believe in either/or thinking, but rather in both/and thinking - e.g. Fossil fuels will continue, AND green forms of energy will grow, and maybe dramatically.  And I believe agriculture can evolve to both feed billions AND nurture the environment. For example.

But how does America and the world move into a good future with these millstones around their necks?  We'll never have an utopian country or world, but these imbalances are becoming more extreme than ever, it seems to me.  Structures will fall.  

Ultimately, I believe in the future, and I believe that young people and today's kids have a clear view of the problems, and it is their human nature to take the problems on, and solve them, or at least make improvements, and not be trapped in the thinking of the old paradigms that are failing so tragically.

I believe in hope.