Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Trump commits the crime of witness tampering

 When you have always “gotten away with it” all your life, what do you do when the noose  tightens?  Well, the Former Guy just commits another crime. In this case - witness tampering. He has very publicly witness tampered throughout his presidency by praising witnesses publicly who would not testify against him and publicly threatening those about to testify. And I guess he thinks he got away with it. Liz Cheney revealed at the end of today’s seventh presentation that a witness we have yet to hear from got a call that they refused to answer from the Former Guy but turned it over to their lawyer who turned it over to the Committee who turned it over to the Department of Justice. It’s a crime.  One of thousands. 

Take him down, please. 

Today’s hearing detailed the military style planning to use weapons to overthrow the government by radical white supremacist fascists. Compelling. At the request and direction of the Former Guy. 

Take him down, please.