Monday, July 19, 2021

Proof that the vaccines work

I find it distressing that so many in the Trump Cult refuse to get vaccines and see this most obvious health protection as an imposition of tyrannical authority.  

This is certainly the goal of years of Russian propaganda designed to destroy American acceptance of science.  It seems to be the goal of some on Fox News and the strange world of the Right Wing Paranoia Media Bubble.  And it seems to be what the Trump Cult thinks their revered leader is telling them, even though the Former Guy actually was vaccinated just before leaving office.

I think I have some dear friends that are not getting the vaccine, and perhaps a few of them have what they believe to be legitimate medical reasons for their decision.  But, here is the definitive proof that the vaccines work.  Prior to the Biden presidency the COVID-19 deaths were skyrocketing.  After Biden took office and directed a nationwide vaccination program, the deaths plummeted.  The vaccines work.  They are not dangerous.  They stop COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths.  And, tragically, they are on the rise again as those who refuse vaccines are going to hospitals and dying.

Here is the chart:


I want the Trump Cult to wake up and see that they have been fooled by a con man, I don't want them to just kill themselves off, although when they spread the disease it goes everywhere and endangers all of us, and they are giving the virus more and more time to develop more deadly variants.

Please get vaccinated.  It is actually very easy to do.