Monday, November 9, 2020

Why falsely claim fraud?

Why is Trump refusing to concede the election?

His ego can’t admit a loss?

He thinks if he can get to his Supreme Court they will give it to him?

He is setting himself up to replace Fox News and Rush Limbaugh as right wing media?

He wants to foment right wing rage and violence for his armed coup?

He is just too stupid to know what’s going on?

He is so mentally ill that he is delusional and thinks ha can overturn an American election?

Maybe all of those, but my bet is that what he is really doing is undermining elections themselves - making huge percentages of the country disbelieve and distrust democracy itself.


Because Putin told him too. And he does what Putin tells him to do.  Because he has to.  Because Putin has something on him that will crush him and send him to prison for life.  Because he works for Putin. And he is a traitor. And Putin is trying to destroy America, American democracy, and the entire concept of democracy itself.

George W Bush wanted to make the world safe for democracy (and blew it, but...), but Putin wants to make the world safe for Kleptocracy, Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Autocracy.

Or, maybe it is just taking time for this mentally ill man in the White House who has lived his entire life in a self delusional bubble to face up to reality when it finally hits him over the head. 

Whichever, he lost, and he won’t be able to stay, and he is a very sad little man.  How many people will he try to hurt in his last days?