Sunday, June 7, 2020

"All men are created equal" Thomas Jefferson - what does that mean?

What does the founding idea of America as written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence mean - "All men are created equal"?

All men are not equally strong, or fast, or smart, or tall, or skilled, or talented, or young, or old, or wise, or foolish, or....

Philosopher Mortimer J Adler answered that question in his wonderful book "We Hold These Truths" in 1987. 

All Men Are Created Equal means all men, and women of course, are equally one thing - we are all equally HUMAN.

When our male chauvinists think they are superior to women, they are wrong - all humans are equally human.  When our racist white supremacist men and women think they are superior to blacks, and browns, and reds, and yellows - they are wrong - all humans are equally human.  And all humans are equally endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  It's in the Declaration of Independence for all of us to read.

There is another wonderful book - "Guns Germs and Steel" by Jared Diamond which won the Pulitzer Prize in 1998.  He asks the question - how did the European white race dominate and over-run the world?  His answer is the dominance of the white race is NOT because of any genetic superiority (sorry white supremacists) but rather the accident of geography. 

Europe, by mere chance, had the confluence of grains, animals, and climate that made Europe the first to very gradually develop agricultural societies which then led them to become the first to develop guns, ships, steel, etc.  For example, you can domesticate sheep, cows, pigs, and horses but you can't domesticate lions, zebras, hippopotamuses etc.   And, by centuries of exposure to their domestic animals the Europeans developed immunities to the contagious diseases that came from those animals - smallpox, chickenpox, cholera, measles, etc. that killed more of them than the brave cavalry enforcing the spread of the white European Americans across the land did with their guns (against the arrows and spears of the natives)

So, the message to white supremacists is this - white blood is not superior - white genes are not superior - white Europeans were just lucky to be in the geography to develop guns, germs, and steel before others. 

You could say that the white Europeans were nastier than the others, I suppose.  Because they certainly brutalized all in their way to their own "manifest destinies".  Not exactly something to be proud of, even though our current temporary president seems to think that Domination is the highest human "virtue."