Thursday, February 13, 2020

Bernie Sanders got trump elected last time, will Democrats let him do it again?

One of the reasons Trump is the president of the United States is that Bernie Sanders put him there.  That is, his avid left wing base put Trump in the White House, by either refusing to vote, or by voting for Trump in 2016.  Trump won by a hair in the electoral college in three states - Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania - by only a total of 77,744.

I know I have avid Berniecrat friends, but it is obvious to me that if Sanders is nominated he will lose in a landslide not seen since McGovern lost  60.7 percent to 37.5 percent and won only one state - Massachusetts.  Britain just went through this when the liberals put up a hard core socialist, Jeremy Corbyn, and elected an obnoxious lout named Boris Johnson by a landslide.

The Sanders people said that they know that Sanders is pretty extreme but his base is young and Sanders will make a dramatic boost in their turnout.  Wrong. Iowa and New Hampshire just voted and the turnout was disappointing. The youth are not flooding to support Sanders.  He almost won Iowa and barely won New Hampshire (where he had a big home field advantage being from next door Vermont), but the anti-socialist candidates won the biggest total by far against him.

Klobachar, Bloomberg, or Buttigieg are my choices.  I will vote for any Democrat against the infantile and ignorant authoritarian in training, but I think any but Sanders will beat him, and Sanders won't.