Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Virginia tuns blue - thank you President Trump!

The Virginia legislature turned blue tonight for the first time in a generation. Thank you President Trump.  The Democrat won the race for governor, even though the Republican candidate has yet to concede. 


It may not be too long before Republican politicians wake up and realize that President Donald J Trump is hurting them personally. It has been said that once the polls show a 60% approval rating of an impeachment of Donald J Trump the Republicans will show him the same loyalty that he shows all of them – zero.  Support for impeachment is already at 48%. 


The impeachment testimony is clear, Trump is guilty of bribery of a foreign power to find dirt on a political opponent. That is a direct violation of the Constitution, and a very serious impeachable crime.


He is affecting Republican politicians’ election chances. How long will it take before they finally get to turn on the man that so many of them privately loathe?

Look out.