Monday, October 21, 2019

The Millenials will change politics to reflect the world they know

Sometimes I wonder if this will be the last presidential election fought along the old battle lines of right vs. left.  I am thinking both the Right and Left have become obsolete. 

I am a Boomer.  We were raised in the world following WWII. We were raised in the Cold War - the divisions were clear - Communism vs Capitalism -   Communist tyranny vs. fascist tyranny - Right vs. Left - Conservative vs. Liberal.

But, today's young never lived in that world.  Even the Millenials weren't born until about 1982, so the Soviet Communist Empire had collapsed by the time the oldest were just entering grade school.  They have lived in a world completely different than the world I and my Boomer cohort were raised in.

So, what is important to the Millenials and their successor generation (not sure what to call them)?

For one thing, they live in a world where they have had to learn how to try to survive a nutcase with military weapons trying to kill them in school.  Do you think they might want very effective gun control?

They live in a world where student debt for college is astronomical and sets their financial future back many years.  Do you think they might want some strong regulations on Wall Street?

They were brought up in a world where jobs were scarce due to globalization and technological obsolescence.  Do you think they might want effective governmental industrial policy?

They live in a world where Climate Change is not a theory but a harsh reality of wild forest fires, hundred year floods and hurricanes.  Do you think they might want strong environmental action?

It's not right vs. left. Those are the obsolete battles of fading generations.  It is the Future vs. the Past.  It is up to them to define their new concerns.  But, they will base it upon their own experience of the world they were raised in and live now, not the old ideas of the world that the Boomers haven't noticed no longer exists.

Bless them and wish them Godspeed.