First, Trump himself is an ignorant nitwit who doesn't have the mental capacity to understand the consequences of his actions. His only concern is getting a good photo op and looking good in the media on any particular day. So, he ceremoniously signed the only real bill of his presidency - an onerous tax cut that shifted wealth to the wealthy while guaranteeing an increase in the deficit. He did this, of course, to great fanfare surrounded by gleeful Republicans.
Second, it is really the Republicans who designed the tax cut, and their motives were obvious - to enrich the wealthy, and to increase the deficit so they can do what they always want to do, which is cut social programs that help the poor and middle class.
So, everything is right on target. Next step will be a big push to cut the social safety net in order to "lower the deficit."
By the way, the deficit was astronomical after the 2008 Great Recession, and Obama did a good job of lowering it. Trump has done a good job of raising it again. See this chart:

Sad. Cruel. Republican.....