Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Quid Pro Quo doesn’t matter

 Trump spin doctors are trying to change the whistleblower story to whether or not there was a quid pro quo deal with Ukraine in order to get dirt on Biden and his son. That is not the story. That is not the hurdle to impeachment. The story is requesting aid on a political opponent of a foreign government. That is conspiracy with a foreign government to help the presidents reelection.

Quid pro quo would be worse but not necessary for impeachment of this lawless man.

Everybody does not do it. Getting help for your presidential election campaign from a foreign government is conspiracy with the foreign government. Asking for help from a foreign Government is impeachable whether or not the foreign government helps.  He did more than ask. He did more than request. It was a mob boss shakedown. It was worse than a request. But all it had to be to be impeachable was a request. 

This is not hard to figure out.

Of course he should be impeached. The phony criteria of quid pro pro is just that – phony.

The man has no shame. Does the Republican Senate?