Monday, March 25, 2019

The Mueller Report does not produce a “gasp moment “ in the country

I have written a few times that the only way for Trump to be impeached is for the Republicans to impeach him, and that would only happen if something came out that caused a majority of the country, including Republicans, to gasp in horror and disgust.  The Mueller Report apparently has no such revelation, at least according to the Trump appointed Attorney General, William Barr, who issued a four page synopsis and conclusion yesterday after a 48 hour review of the Mueller Report.

Did the Russians try to interfere with the election?  Apparently Mueller says yes, there is enough evidence that says that is true.

Did Trump conspire with the Russians in that effort?  Apparently Mueller says there is not enough evidence to prove that to be true.

Did Trump attempt to obstruct justice?  Mueller says the evidence neither condemns nor exonerates him.

“According to Barr, on the obstruction of justice front, the Special Counsel wrote that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” “

Barr then stated that he would not be pursuing an Obstruction of Justice charge because there was not conclusive evidence of intent on the part of Trump to obstruct.  Seems clear to me that Trump’s actions were obstructive, but proving intent beyond a reasonable doubt is too hard, according to Barr.   Barr wrote:

“Generally speaking, to obtain and sustain an obstruction conviction, the government would need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person, acting with corrupt intent, engaged in obstructive conduct with a sufficient nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding.”

Will the Mueller Report be released to Congress and the American people?  The House voted 420 – 0 demanding it, so I don’t see Barr refusing to do so, but there are likely to be some redactions – not implicating people who have not or will not be charged with a crime, and not revealing national security secrets, I suppose.  But I would expect to see the report pretty fully exposed.  Trump will try to stop it, so fights to come, I expect. 

Was the president “fully exonerated” as he claimed?  No.  Mueller explicitly said the evidence could not conclude that he committed a crime but also could not exonerate him.  Trumpsters will believe Trump, of course, because that is what they do.

Was/is Pelosi right in saying the House should not impeach Trump unless something comes to light that makes it necessary?  Yes.  We did not get a “gasp moment” yesterday that turned the Republicans against him. 

Is Trump still in legal jeopardy? Yes.  Not from conspiracy charges, but investigations into his current and deep history of corruption, money laundering, and tax evasion will continue.