Saturday, January 5, 2019

It's Time for America to Recover Its Character

America's character has fallen so far in the last two years under the control of Trump the Republicans. An old saying is that the fish starts to rot at the head, and the head of our Administration is a sadly and terribly rotten character.  And, I am afraid I have to say much the same for his Republican base that so avidly supports this truly horrible person. 

What happened to Christians in this country?  They went from the Christ of love and forgiveness, of caring and compassion, to the Trump of Grab 'em by the Pussy, and Getting Rid of People from Shithole Countries. 

The list of examples of the extreme lack of character of this president goes on forever.  His indifference to the suffering he causes in so many ways - the latest is in shutting down the government in order to keep brown people out of the country causes suffering of the government workers who go without paychecks, causes suffering of tax payers who don't get refund checks, causes suffering of tourists who go to parks which are understaffed, filthy and dangerous, and causes suffering of brown people fleeing crime and poverty seeking asylum in what used to be the Land of the Free.  His indifference to all people other than himself is endlessly appalling to me.

His lack of character showed up initially, of course, in his campaign as he actively sought the assistance of a hostile foreign power, Russia, to propagandize for him and against his opponent.

His lack of character showed up immediately upon taking office by refusing to divest his assets and put them into a blind trust - thus actively inviting bribery by foreign powers and domestic political actors to enrich him by using his properties.

His lack of character has been showing up for as long as he has been a public figure by his endless bullshitting and lying about essentially everything that he talks about.

His lack of character shows up with his endless pandering to the white supremacists in his base, especially by saying that there were "very fine people on both sides" in Charlottesville - I don't think there were any very fine people amongst the white supremacists carrying torches and shouting racist filth.

His lack of character showed up in his Trump University which was a scam for which he was found guilty and had to pay fines.

His lack of character showed up when he stiffed his vendors in building his towers and casinos, which failed.

His lack of character showed up when he mocked a disabled reporter.

His lack of character showed up when he was indifferent to the suffering of the brown people is Puerto Rico after a disastrous hurricane.

His lack of character shows up when he supports our border control ripping children from their parents and putting them in cages or barracks apart from their parents.

His lack of character shows up when he puts his cabinet members at a table and demands that they shower him with praise in front of cameras.

There are many, many more examples of this man's complete lack of character, and I am tired of thinking about them.  Suffice it to say that his lack of character is his most defining feature.

The "Alt Right", otherwise better know as white supremacists, will never abandon him. But when will more conservatives find their conscience and turn on him?  What will finally make them gasp in horror and disgust, the way he makes liberals and independents gasp in horror and disgust many times a week? 

It is time for America to get tired of this endlessly narcissistic, ignorant, and pitiless headline stealer. 

It is time for America to recover its character.