Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Criminal in Chief

The Trumpsters haven't figured it out yet, but their president is a criminal, always has been, and will continue to be.

His long time attorney, Michael Cohen, was just sentenced to three years in prison for carrying out the orders of his boss.  His boss is guilty of the same crimes, of course.

Step one is to show the country and the world that Trump directed felonious activity to violate campaign finance laws by covering up sexual affairs that were about to be revealed just prior to the election.  He did it. He is guilty.  Will the Republicans impeach for this? (only the Reps can impeach Trump, the Dems can't do it on their own) - No, they can't impeach for covering up sexual affairs, look at what happened when Clinton was impeached for a sexual affair.

Step two is to show the country and the world that Trump received and solicited the help of a hostile foreign power, Russia, to get elected.  We already know this is true (the Trumpsters pretend not to know this as they keep their heads buried in the right wing media bubble which ignores, discounts, diminishes, denies, and deflects actual news about the conspiracies between the Russians and Trump's campaign, and Trump himself).  I expect Mueller will be revealing hard evidence of this going forward.

Regarding the Trump Russian connection, it is a matter of record now that Trump was negotiating with Russia to build a 100 story Trump Tower in Moscow up until the Republican convention that nominated Trump to be their candidate.  Part of that negotiation with the Kremlin was to gift Putin himself with $50,000,000 apartment in the tower.  

So what?  Well, I think it should give the Trumpsters a reason to notice that Trump lied, over and over again, when he said that he had no connections with Russia. (By the way, do you think it might be possible that after Trump leaves office Putin will approve the Moscow tower and Trump can flee to Russia and live in his own tower there?)

So what? Hard evidence of Trump-Russian conspiracy in the hands of Putin gives Putin the leverage of exposure and empowers Putin to control Trump's foreign policy - which we have been witnessing for two years.

Step three will be when Muller and/or the Southern District of New York Attorney General exposes Trump's decades long crimes of money laundering for the Russian oligarchy.  This crime is an even stronger leverage that Putin has over Trump.  You will never see Trump strongly displease Putin. Jail time for this one. 

Eventually, the best option for Trump will be to do what Nixon did - resign with a promise of a pardon from his Vice President who will become president and have the power to pardon him for federal crimes.  Of course, that won't protect him from prosecution by New York, Illinois, or New Jersey, so he may just have to flee to Moscow and trust that Putin will treat him nicely.  But why would he?  Trump will no longer be useful to the wealthiest criminal on the planet. 

Trump's future could be quite bleak.  And he knows it. So, watch out world, the desperate actions of a cornered man-child who happens to have influence over America's military and nukes could become unbelievably ugly. 

It could be that the real ugliness is about to begin.