The terrible parade of brain autopsies of football players
suffering from brain damage continues unabated.
Here is a 25 year old man, Michael Keck, who died of heart failure but
wanted his brain autopsied upon his death because he was experiencing the
terrible symptoms of CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) The suspicions of
his wife and him were correct. This man
hadn’t even played in the NFL but his football career from the time he was 6
through college was certainly enough to permanently damage his brain.
This disease can only be diagnosed after death, and Michael
Keck is the youngest victim discovered so far.
His early coronary death made the autopsy possible. He quit the game in the midst of his college
career because he could feel his mind going out on him.
Sorry to be a spoilsport, but personally I can no longer
enjoy watching football, all I see is brain damage and the shortened and
agonizing lives of very large percentages of the players. Such a shame, a beautiful sport is too deadly
to play. Parents will start to keep
their sons off the field, I believe. I hope.
We have always known that football players were walking
wounded – joints, bones, muscles, organs all damaged – but now it appears that
many are also the walking brain damaged.
Savage sport. Too savage to watch - or to play.