Friday, January 31, 2025

Putin gets his American Secretary of Defense - Hegseth

 I believe that Putin controls Donald Trump.  He tells Trump what to do and Trump does it. Blackmail? Extortion? Bribery? Drugs? Threats?  Who cares?  

So Putin got what he wanted, a much weaker, much more incompetent, much more inexperienced American Secretary of Defense.  Did Putin pick out Hegseth?  Maybe Russian operatives just made little expert KGB trained “suggestions” through chosen influencers.  Hegseth is just one of a dozen MAGA nitwits that look good to the orange nitwit. So any would do.  

Congratulations Vladimir!  America has shot itself on the foot and is much, much, weaker with a Secretary of Defense who knows nothing of the intricacies of the world, or of the vast military, or of strategy, or of….just give him a drink and let him pretend to be really, really, really manly, manly, manly tough - oh so tough…see him do push-ups…

Next Putin conquest is the Director of National Intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, dedicated to sharing America’s military and intelligence secrets with her dear friend, Vladimir. 

And a fanatic, Kash Patel, to head the FBI and ignore protecting against foreign threats and pursue rabid attacks on the Justice system that dared to bring the deeply corrupt and dangerously fascistic politician to justice.  How dare they disrespect THE KING? 

Putin thinks he has been saved by his little puppet, Donny. 

Oh boy…

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Bow down?

Please don’t be confused and think that Donald Trump is a politician that  has been elected to be president. In his mind he has been granted his God Given Right to be an autocrat for life. Screw the Congress, screw the courts, screw the Constitution, screw the media, screw the citizens, he sees himself doing “whatever the hell he wants” until he dies in office. 

Here is a clue. How autocrats project tyrannical power - giant sculptures while alive in office.  


North Korea:

Bow down, submit, give in, give up, accept that you are powerless in the face of the all powerful god-leader.  That is, let the autocrat dominate … or, 

how about we take our power back?  

Friday, January 24, 2025

He targets those he hates

 The new president of the United States has removed the security protection from Bolton, Pompeo, and Hook.  Why? Because he knows Iran is trying to assassinate them in retaliation for the assassination of their leader, Soleimani. And because they said “bad things” about him. So he wants them to fear for their lives for not worshipping him. Or he wants them to be killed. Take your pick.

And the president of the United States removed security protection from Dr Fauci. Why? Same thing, because he was critical of Trump’s moronic mismanagement of the COVID pandemic. And he wants Fauci to fear for his life. So, he openly targets Fauci for some MAGA anti-Fauci who wants to please the president he worships to assassinate Fauci. Take your pick

I think we need to see this mentally ill man as a full blown murderous dictator dedicated to crushing all who he hates. And hate seems to be what he is made of.

Americans asked for this ugliness.  

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Why the pardons?

What does an autocrat need in order to force his whims and will on an intimidated and submissive people? A fundamental tool is a civilian paramilitary to beat people up, threaten them, kill them if needed. 

Where have we seen this in the past?
  • Black Shirts in Mussolini’s Italy
  • Blue Shirts in Franco’s Spain
  • Brown Shirts in Hitler’s Germany
  • Silver Shirts in America’s American First Nazis in the 1930s
So, what color shirts will the J6 “Hostages” choose as they recruit those already undergoing paramilitary training in red area hills?  MAGA red?

Trump and MAGA are very clear that democracy and the rule of law have been crushed and replaced by the rule of Trump and the rule of MAGA and the rule of Theocracy and the rule of Oligarchy. 

Oops - too many rulers?  Do they first attack each other?  Remember that Stalin killed Trotsky, and Hitler killed Rohm. So I expect each to try to “get rid of” the others and take over.  Isn’t “taking over” what autocracy/fascism/authoritarianism all about?

We’ll see. 

Monday, January 20, 2025

America - sold!

Trump is sworn in. Count the billionaires!  Trump’s American government - of the billionaires, by the billionaires, and for the billionaires. The Party of Lincoln plummets to the depths of the Party of Trump.

All he’s got to say to his MAGA Cult is “Thanks suckers - and - send me more money.”

Now for the autocratic, oligarchic, theocratic choo choo train into the abyss of corruption. Hang on. 

These ugly people are as likely to destroy themselves as they are to destroy us, but it’s likely to get pretty ugly. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Russia calls Trump the American Gorbachev

 Russians call Trump the American Gorbachev. That is not a compliment. It is a mocking of Trump. Putin sees Gorbachev as a disaster, as the leader who lost the Soviet Empire.

They clearly see Trump as the fool who will lose the American Empire. And they are right. 

Trump is actively destroying Pax Americana. He doesn’t even know what it is. It is the glue that kept the world from blowing itself up after the horrors of WWII.  It is the inspiration that protected and promoted democracy and the rule of law throughout the world. It was the Bullwark against autocracy in the world. 

But Trump is an autocrat himself. He admires and imitates autocrats. He intends to end democracy and the rule of law in America. He is succeeding. There’s lots of riches to me made by autocrats, doncha know?  Plus, the autocrat “gets to do whatever the hell he wants”.

Besides, it’s fun to be cruel; it’s a way to prove to your insecure self that you actually are a manly, manly man; it’s soooooo satisfying to crush people. 

My best hope is that he and his idiot administration will simply be too incompetent and bungling that they’ll just destroy themselves before they destroy America and the world. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Are we in a democracy or an autocracy?

 It is clear to me that Trump thinks he WON and has been anointed as king, and he gets to do whatever the hell he wants - punish his "enemies", extort billions, and have everyone kiss his ring.

It is clear to me that theocrats think they WON and they have successfully overturned democracy and get to enforce their theocracy, and they get to do whatever the hell they want - control the sex lives of all of us.

It is clear to me that oligarchs think they WON and have captured the country to rule as an oligarchy, and they get to do whatever the hell they want - eliminate all regulations and constraints on their endless greed.  

It is clear to me that white supremacists think they WON and have finally put white men back in charge of America, and they get to do whatever the hell they want - crush the freedoms and powers of women and all non-white races.  

I think the rest of us think that we still live in a democracy where public opinion polls, midterm elections, helpful government programs, persuasive debates, attractive candidates, elections, the legal system and the Rule of Law still mean something. 

Trump will act like a king, theocrats will act like the Taliban, oligarchs will act like Musks, white supremacists will act like it’s Jim Crow. Looks like there will be a lot of combat between those convinced that the world has changed to be dominated by THEM, but not their rivals. If we’re lucky, it will be amusing. But it could get very violent. 

And the rest of us? Not sure, but I think the political and legal systems are likely to be ignored, at least for a while