Monday, July 29, 2024

Venezuela’s authoritarian declares election victory, despite overwhelming loss

 In case you were wondering what the American orange wannabe king meant when he tells his "Christian" MAGA cult to vote in 2024 and they won't have to vote ever again because the votes will be "fixed", we have the real world example of the authoritarian tyrant of Venezuela to see for ourselves.  

Sunday's election in Venezuela had exit polling showing a two to one victory for the opposition candidate, Gonzalez - 65% to 31% over the incumbent autocrat.  So what?  The autocrat simply declared victory with phony numbers.  That is how it is done. People are supposed to be confused and not able to figure out who is lying, who is stealing, who is a tyrant.

Why do the authoritarians bother pretending to follow democratic procedures?  I think they see that as a way to give them a modicum of legitimacy in the world.  And that is because there are real democracies in the world, led by the oldest democracy - the United States.  

Why do the authoritarians want to overthrow the U.S. democracy?  So as to eliminate the existence of real democracies in the world, so as to eliminate the need for authoritarian tyrants to pretend to be anything other than brutal kings.

Why is the U.S. attempting to overthrow democratic elections in America?  Because anti-democratic forces have always been a powerful force in America. Starting with Slavery in the South where the majority of the residents were unable to vote.  To the conquest of Native Americans who had no suffrage.  To the attempt to expand slavery into the western territories which ignited the Civil War. To the denial of suffrage to women until the 20th century. To the brutal Jim Crow south denying the Constitutional right of former slaves to vote. To the America First, Father Coughlin, Henry Ford, Charles Lindberg attempt to turn the U.S. into a Nazi country. To the Joe McCarthy "populist" authoritarian takeover attempt to depose President Eisenhower.  To today's orange, mentally ill, charismatic con man trying to use extremist "Christians" as his horse to ride to his own greedy, avaricious, corrupt kingship.

We have seen this play before.  We have defeated it before.  We will defeat it again.

Vote.  Please. While your vote actually has a chance to be counted.