Thursday, July 18, 2024

RULE OF REVOLUTION replacing Rule of Law

 The disturbing rulings from the Supreme Court, and many District Courts, and Judge Aileen Cannon who just threw out the indictment of Trump for his violation of the espionage laws of this country on the ludicrous idea that the Special Counsel, Jack Smith, was appointed in violation of the Constitution – all of these are to be understood in a dramatic shift that is happening in the courts.  They are not judges dedicated to the Rule of Law, they are the vanguard of enforcing the Rule of Revolution.  


The Rule of Revolution is the revolutionaries get to do, and force others to submit to,  whatever it is that advances the revolution.  For them the pretense of The Rule of Law is just to give twisted and distorted rulings to provide a fig leaf cover of the fanatical extremism of the revolutionary overthrow of America.


Lawyers and judges are usually thought to work within the Rule of Law. But these right-wing extremist lawyers and judges are on a decades long, passionately indoctrinated revolutionary movement to overturn the Constitution and establish America as a Christian Theocracy, and uber-wealthy Oligarchy.  Personal empowerments and freedoms be damned!  Environmental protections and worker empowerment be damned!  




They will lose, because Americans are opposed to their extremist dictates, but there is a lot of damage that can and likely will happen before they finally fail and shrink back into oblivion. 


Vote, while we still can.