Thursday, July 11, 2024

The revolutionary Roberts Court installing Theocracy and Oligarchy

I believe that six of the Justices appointed by Republicans came with an agenda – to overthrow the existing form of U.S government and change it to an Oligarchic and Theocratic form of Government.  And they are succeeding, so far.


Justice Alito, devoted Catholic extremist, said it clearly when he said that one side or the other is going to win this battle – the U.S. will be either Godless or Godly. Sadly, his idea, and the idea of the Christian Taliban, is that Godly is actually the establishment of the White Christian Nationalist idea of Godly – rooted in White Supremacy domination over Non-white people - male domination over women – Christian domination over all other religions (Jewish, Islam, Sufi, Mormon, Hindu, Sikh, Tao, Rastafari, New Age) - and eventually, of course, one Christian denomination over all other Christian denominations.  You can’t get more of a violation of the Constitution than violating thFirst Amendment – establishing a state religion.  


Oh yes, there is a worse violation of the Constitution – establishing a King and eliminating democracy itself, by violently overthrowing an election, for example – ala Trump January 6, 2021 – failed - that time, more to come is the promise.


So, here are the horrible, authoritarian/fascist/autocratic Theocratic and Oligarchic revolutionary edicts from the Roberts Court so far:



• Citizen United empowered huge money corporate dark money to control elections by the Oligarchy by declaring Corporations are “people” and have a right of free expression by contributing money to campaigns (lots and lots and lots and lots of $$$$$$$)
• Overturning the Voting Rights act to limit voting by blacks (the signature effort of Justice Roberts prior to becoming the Supreme Courts Chief Justice, and he succeeded as the Roberts Court)
• Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade and is eliminating a fundamental empowerment of women’s lives in America that they had for half a century
• Presidential immunity has been given to the authoritarian, mentally ill, former president that allows him immunity from prosecution any time he states that he is doing something as an official presidential action – up to imprisoning and perhaps assassinating political opponents andthose that piss him off


And here are the promises of revolutionary edicts planned to come:


• Elimination of Gay rights and gay marriage, making gay sex illegal so as to Make America Great Again
• Contraception will be banned (Catholic extremism doncha know)
• First amendment freedom from religion will be replaced by a state religion – a theocracy of Evangelicalism, or Catholicism?  Will they fight it out between them? Will they imprison each other?
• Presidents will be President in Name Only (PINO) and they will actually be kings, starting with their cult leader, Donald J Trump
• They will authorize coups – they already are trying to “Do Whatever the Hell They Want.  


They are going to fail.  The truth is that none of the Theocratic and Oligarchic obsessions are popular.  


It is up to America to use the existing powers of the ballot box to keep America a democracy, to keep the Rule of Law in place, and to see and stop the agendas and strategies being used to take our personal freedoms and powers away (all in the name of “Godliness” or “Free Markets” or “Patriotism”).


The Republican revolutionary cult has become the party of domination, the party of taking away personal freedoms.  

The Democratic Party remains the party of personal freedoms and personal empowerment.  Or so I believe.