Sunday, July 7, 2024

What Trump and the MAGA extremists are planning

 Per liberal economist, Robert Reich:

"If Donald Trump becomes president, then with a stroke of his pen:
  • The Department of Justice will no longer be independent - and there will be no one left to stop Trump from charging his political opponents with crimes.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) efforts to curb the spread of disinformation, including Russian propaganda, will be shut down.
  • The Insurrection Act will be used to shut down protests and to deploy red-state National Guard units against blue states - even over the objection of those states' governors.
  • Abortion will be banned nationwide using two approaches
    • First, through a radical right-wing interpretation of the Comstock Act, a long dormant law from 1873; as one of Trump's lawyers says, "We don't need (Congress to pass) a federal ban when we have the Comstock Act on the books"
    • And second, by reversing the FDA approval of medication abortion, which is safer than aspirin."
In addition, Trump will destroy the rule of law so that he can cruelly carry out his revenges against those who applied the law to him, and against those who said truthful insulting things about him.

MAGA theocrats will create a "Christian Taliban" tyranny on us all, especially those they fear the most - women.

MAGA Oligarchs will gleefully pollute the air and water all in the name of Free Markets (unregulated unregulated unregulated) accelerating global warming and climate change. 

America is better than this.  I refuse to believe that Trump will win, and I refuse to believe that his subsequent attempted violent coup will succeed.  I believe even some of his MAGA cult will just get sick of the ugly, ugly person and just turn away.