Thursday, August 1, 2024

The five phases of fascism - we are in phase four

Some Republicans know that Trump is a nutcase, unstable, corrupt, and an asshole but they can’t bring themselves to vote for a liberal. And they tell themselves, foolishly, how bad can Trump 2025 be?  We got through Trump 2017 without disasters, so why get all excited?  I say reason to get very excited is Trump 2025 is going to use Schedule F and Project 2025 to have hard core MAGA, Theocratic, and Oligarchic fanatics in place to finish their history long fascist takeover of America. 

Historian Robert Paxton a bit ago laid out the five phases of fascist takeover of a democracy.  We are in phase four now.
  1. Exploit or create discontent (Trump in 2016 was and still is about "American Carnage" - all bullshit but persuasive enough to some)
  2. Become a political entity (Trump runs for president - the Heritage Foundation, Evangelical churches, White Christian Nationalists, Opus Dei Catholics, Liberty University, etc. have become big players in politics)
  3. Normal right wing party partners with the new radicals (the Tea Party Republicans welcomed the theocratic and oligarchic MAGA revolutionaries)
  4. Consolidate power (MAGA and Trump have taken over the Republican Party totally.  Next step is Schedule F and Project 2025 to control all levers of power)
  5. Radically change the system of government - MAGA revolutionaries. Theocratic revolutionaries, Oligarchic revolutionaries are the only ones in charge - of everything, of all of our personal, private, and public lives. 
America is seeing all of this now.  America is waking up. 

Trump is just the battering ram for the decades old/centuries old revolutionary anti-democracy fascist movements in America - from the slave owners, to the Jim Crow South, to the Nazi led America First Movement prior to WWII, to the McCarthyism attempted power grab of post WWII, to the MAGA Movement/Theocratic movements of Trump and the extremist Supreme Court of today. 

We get to say no. We still get a vote.  Vote now, please, while there is at least some chance that your vote will be counted. 

The only issue on the ballot is the survival of our democratically elected republic.