Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Some of what Project 2025 and Schedule F will do

 The good news is that, temporarily, Kamala Harris has taken a small lead in the polls over Donald Trump.  And she and VP nominee, Tim Walz, are running a hope and optimism-based campaign.  That is probably a much better way to campaign than to run a fear-based campaign.  I leave campaigning to them. 

But I want to shine a light on the plans of Trump, and more importantly, his Theocratic, autocratic, white supremacist, passionately dedicated base has been planning a total takeover of the U.S. government ever since the end of the Civil War, since the end of the Jim Crow South, since the end of the Nazi led America First Movement prior to the Japanese invasion, since the collapse of the fascist Joe McCarthy attempt to capture the country.  These folks have been at it for as long as there has been an America.

Back in June, the brilliant comedian John Oliver laid out the highlights of Project 2025, and notes the critical ingredient to its success – Schedule F.  You can find it on YouTube, I expect.

Project 2025 is about a thousand-page detailed plan to establish a new “Deep State” – a theocratic autocratic state that will move more and more toward the tyrannies of other theocracies like Russia, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, etc.  Prime targets will be controlling women, gays, all sexual expressions that they are afraid of, ending environmental and financial regulations, etc.  

  • Dismantle the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) – expert government weather forecasting
  • Eliminate Head Start – you know, kids, screw them
  • Establish a “Pro-Life” task force – monitor women’s pregnancies, menstrual cycles, out of state travel, imprison doctors
  • Defund the Department of Justice – easier for the crooks and fraudsters
  • Dismantle the FBI – easier for the crooks and fraudsters, and spies
  • Eliminate the Department of Education – establish religious schools
  • Outlaw porn and imprison pornographers – really pissed off at Stormy Daniels
  • Round up over 10 million “illegal immigrants” (or random brown folks) and put them into concentration camps before putting them in boxcars to send out of the country
  • Use the power of Presidential Unitary Executive Theory (unconstitutional but who cares, the Trump Supreme Court has said anything Trump does as an “official presidential act” is immune from prosecution – who decides appeals? the Trump revolutionary Supreme Court
    • Impound funds from anything that Trump or the Heritage Foundation or the Theocrats or the Oligarchs want to stop – like regulation of pollution? Regulation of banking? Inspection of safe working conditions?  Inspection of drug purity?  Etc. etc. etc. 

 Schedule F is what makes all of this work.  The government doesn’t run itself.  Schedule F replaces 50,000 merit based appointees in the government agencies with political appointees, as a start – 2 million at risk.  That means that the scientist and administrators leading the weather forecasting, the scientists and administrators protecting our nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons, our administrators and inspectors of transportation, highways, railways, airways, food safety, drug safety – all of these to be replaced by political appointments.  

What would be the qualifications for these political appointees?  There are about 50,000 who are being vetted for political loyalty now.  The first question is – did Joe Biden steal the 2020 election from Donald Trump?  There is only one “correct” answer to qualify.

How bad will this become?  Venezuela has an autocrat running it, Maduro, following up the previous autocrat – Chavez.  They had one industry – oil.  They replaced the scientists, engineers, skilled leaders in their oil industry with political loyalists to the autocratic regime.  Result?  By getting rid of those who know what they were doing and replacing them with political flunkies the oil production fell from 3.8 million barrels per day to less than one billion barrels per day.  Millions have fled the poverty and corruption. Many are at the U.S. Border. And today’s Wannabe Autocrat blames Democrats for the border crisis. Of course he does. “Rapists” donchaknow?

What will happen to a MAGA-politically correct, Trump-subservient, MAGA-manned, theocracy-subservient, oligarchy-obedient merit-based government agencies?  Economic horror – sexual oppression horror – racist and sexist and misogynist horrors. We become a Trump/MAGA police state.

The revolutionaries are very clear that they hate what America is.  They have been at this for as long as there has been an American democracy thwarting their extremist white supremacist theocratic and oligarchic dictates.  

They will not stop.

But they can be stopped.
