Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Autocrat - “Just do whatever the hell he wants”

 The brilliant Anne Applebaum has been doing deep studies of authoritarian/autocratic/fascistic tyrannies for a number of years and has written " Autocracy, Inc.: The Dictators Who Want to Run the World'".  She reveals that the autocrats are not of any particular ideology, but are of a common nature.  Here is her definition as given on the PBS Newshour Thursday, 8/1/2024:

"The autocrat seeks to rule with no checks and balances, no checks on his authority, no judges, no media.  They want to control everything that happens in the State and make all the decisions."  

Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, are the major autocracies in the world but there are many more.

Add The Former Guy to that list of horribles if he gets reelected.  Or, as he defined it so succinctly by exhorting Putin to "Just do whatever the hell he wants".  That about sums up the "philosophy of the Orange Threat” and all of his kindred autocrats around the world.

She also reveals that the autocrats join together in a supportive network to attack and destroy democracy and the rule of law in democracies, with America being the leading target. Why?  Because if democracy exists in the world, forces for democracy and the rule of law are inspired in their own tyrannical countries and they are threatened.  So, they attack and destroy democracy wherever they can.  

American democracy and the rule of law is under attack - not just by The Former Guy and his MAGA Cult, but by Russia, China, and Iran primarily.  They provide propaganda lies and half truths to destroy our free country by attacking our ability to trust science, the news, the experts, the democratic process itself.  They are sophisticated and practiced and very good at undermining human freedoms, as they have succeeded in their own countries and are targeting the rest of us.

Vote, please, in November while your vote still has a chance of being counted.