Wednesday, September 18, 2024

“They” are not Democrats

Trump had two assassination attempts, it appears.

The first attempt in Pennsylvania.  Those were real bullets.  A real person died. Two real people were wounded.  A real shooter was killed.  But…
Where did the blood on Trump’s face come from?  How did the Secret Service let Trump have the clear space to rise up and raise his fist in defiance for a perfect photo op?  We were told that his ear was grazed and a small chunk was removed. But that is a lie.  His ear is totally intact.  There is no report from the hospital that he went to to repair his ear.  Where did the blood come from?

 The second attempt at his Florida golf course.  About five shots were fired in rapid succession. None from the suspected assassin, all from the Secret Service.  Where did those bullets go?  On the other side of the bushes is a busy city street.  Nobody was hit by the bullets.  Buildings? Cars?  We’re glad, of course.  Did all the bullets just happen to hit a nice wide tree inside the golf course?  A witness very luckily was there to see the fleeing suspect.  He wrote down the license plate.  How lucky.  How long was the witness in that area?  Was he or she just passing by, or were they in the area for hours as well as the accused assassin?  

So now Trump and Vance and MAGA are saying “they” tried to kill Trump. “They” are not Democrats.
The first kid was a radicalized right winger who was thinking Trump or Biden, Trump was closer and sooner. Disturbed boy with a semi- automatic rifle. The second was some kind of radical that seemed obsessed with helping Ukraine.  

Extremists with easy access to semi-automatic rifles. Mayhem. 

What about the timings?

The ear wound was right before his convention and he wore a preposterous huge bandage over an ear that was not damaged. And his crowd of worshippers at the convention had makeshift bandages over their ears as well.  But the ear was not damaged.  

 The golf course incident came shortly after he was humiliated on the debate stage by Harris.  He was crushed. But this grabs the headlines.

Vance says “they” tried to kill Trump twice. “They”. “They” are not Democrats. Vance says stop calling for violence. What a joke. Trump has been calling for violence for nine years. Democrats call for votes. 

But Trump pledges to end democracy, so I will continue to write about it.  It is not a call to violence to describe his plans to end the rule of law and to end democracy. It is a call to vote.  
