Saturday, September 14, 2024

Anne Applebaum’s Autocracy in America - step two, capture the courts

 Anne Applebaum has a must-listen podcast “Autocracy in America”  the first episode explored step one:force people to accept lies in order to prove their loyalty and to belong.  All of Trump’s ridiculous lies are parroted by elected Republicans and MAGA faithful. Barf. 

The second episode is just out. America is already at the onset the influence of autocratic rule.  In autocracy it becomes Rule By Law rather than Rule Of Law. Rule Of Law is facts - evidence -  juries - verdicts. Rule By Law is where law is a weapon whereby enemies are prosecuted and found guilty, no exceptions. Loyalists are never guilty. The judges are enforcers of the autocratic Rule By Law.

Judge Aileen Cannon is part of Trump’s autocratic rule in the espionage documents case which she refuses to bring to trial. The Trump and Heritage Foundation Supreme Court are enforcers of Rule By Law by declaring Trump to be immune from prosecution if he acts as an official presidential act.  Who decides whether his acts are official presidential acts? He does. If challenged in the courts who decides? Oh right, the autocratic Supreme Court does. The king is never guilty. 

Autocracy in action. It is already taking over America. A Trump victory would be a complete victory of autocratic rule - first by the nitwit Trump, and then by the real autocrats, the theocrats and oligarchs. No more democracy. America becomes Russia, just like Russia has planned all along

Vote. This is our last chance to save democracy. If we lose our democratically elected republic will be lost for at least one generation. .