Friday, September 20, 2024

N****r N****r N****r - Sp*k Sp*k Sp*k - Jew Jew Jew

 The Donald Trump campaign is pretty much just one thing - bigotry.  Calling all bigots... 

N****r N****r N****r - Sp*k Sp*k Sp*k - Jew Jew Jew

  • FIRST, when Donald Trump was interviewed and said:

"“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage,” Trump said. “I didn't know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black?"

Get it? she is black black black. Just in case you didn't notice, she is black.  Did he mention that she is black?  You know, black?

And, oh yes, Haitian immigrants in Springfield, OH?  He lies lies lies, and his VP Vance lies lies lies, saying that they are eating pets?  Haitian immigrants, black immigrants - they are black black black, remember, thery are black.

  • And SECOND, you know the great crisis at the border? Brown people - you know - sp*k sp*k sp*k.  Get it? not good white people from good white countries, sp*ks.  You know, sp*ks, the kind of people who poison the blood -

"Former President Donald Trump said immigrants coming to the U.S. are “poisoning the blood of our country,”  - the kind of people coming from shithole countries:

""Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?" Trump is reported as saying."  

You know, shithole countries like Haiti - poisoning the blood of America, black immigrants.  Even worse than brown immigrants.

  • And THIRD, yesterday, just to make sure everyone understands how much he admires and imitates Adolph Hitler he says if he loses it will be the fault of the Jews - you know, target Jews if he loses, you know, things like Krystallnacht in Germany - watch out you Jew bastards, you better vote for me, or...fill in the blank

""If I don't win this election" then "the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss," Trump said"

So there he is - bigoted against blacks, hispanics, and Jews.  In his own words.  I haven't even mentioned Muslims, or women, or Asian Americans.  Anyone who is not a white man is who he is bigoted against. And, by the way, if you are a white man, but not a billionaire, he is bigotted against you as well. And by the way, if you are a billionaire and not named Donald Trump, he is bigoted against you as well. This is a very sick person.

So, there are good people who have voted twice for Trump because - they always vote Republican - they are worried about the border crisis - they want unfettered capitalism - they want to end abortion nationwide,  etc etc etc.  

But Trump has made it more and more obvious that those are just figleaves, or pretenses, or rationalizations.  Trump makes it overwhelmingly clear, to me at least, that bigotry, autocracy, the end of the Rule of Law, the end of democracy itself is actually what he stands for. He has been leading with bigotry ever since he came down his elevator to the applause of hired actors to announce his candidacy nine years ago.  

So my deepest hope that those who have been lifelong Republicans wake up and see that there is no longer a Republican Party, it is now the openly bigoted and anti-democracy party, openly and loudly calling all bigots to take over the country, and if you, a conservative, are repulsed by bigotry, please vote agaisnt this autocratic, authoritarian, bullying, overt bigot.  You are better than him and better than the Republican Party that has been debauched by his bigotry, corruption, and hatred.

Vote, please, against this Hitler/Putin/Maduro/Orban wannabe. 

He is not you.