Monday, October 14, 2024

Top military warns against Trump threats to America and the world

Donald Trump has:

  • The Ego of Napoleon
  • The empathy of Joseph Stalin
  • The emotional maturity of a six year old playground bully
  • The brains of a turnip 

Plus, he is sliding into Alzheimer’s like his father before him. 

I have written often of how Schedule F will remove all institutional and personal constraints on this sociopath. Using Project 2025 he will end democracy, end the rule of law, establish an extremist theocracy, establish an Oligarchy, and funnel billions into himself. 

But that is not the worst possible outcome, is it?  Do you want this uncontrollable big baby to be able to “play” with “his” nuclear toys?

What about his psychotic urge to use nukes?  He has already said “What is the point of nukes if you don’t use them?”  He has already suggested nuking hurricanes to stop them. 

Former Chairman of the joint chiefs, Mark Miley:

No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump,” the general told Woodward. “Now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country.”

Plus another 100 military and security officials:

More than 100 Republican former national security and foreign policy officials on Wednesday endorsed Kamala Harris for president in a joint letter, calling Donald Trump “unfit to serve” another term in the White House.”

He craves being the most important and famous person in world history. Who is now? Adolph Hitler. Why? WWII. 60 million deaths. His urge to use nukes could well be irresistible. Hundreds of millions slaughtered by nukes?  Very very possible. 

He is a threat not just to the survival of American Democracy and Rule of Law. He is a threat to the survival of American life, and of the world. 

I pray that people who still think there is such a thing as the “Republican Party” wake up. It’s over. Trump and MAGA killed it. This toddler threatens us all. This is not a choice between politicians. It is a choice to survive, as a democracy, as a free nation, as living creatures in the world.  Or not.