Monday, June 24, 2024

What is Project 2025 and Schedule F?

 Trump is just the convenient battering ram for the right wing extremists' plans to completely change America into a nation run by Theocrats and Oligarchs - for  democracy and rule of law to be destroyed.  John Oliver on Last Week Tonight did a brilliant expose of this terrible possible future.  Here are some of my highlights from his talk.

PROJECT 2025; (A 900 page plan to remake America by the Federalist Society, the Heritage Foundation, and about 100 extremist "conservative" organizations)

  • Dismantle the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) - because they reveal the science of Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Defund the Department of Justice (keep the law off the backs of oligarchs, fraudsters, and racists)
  • Dismantle the FBI (same as DOJ)
  • Eliminate the Department of Education (mustn't teach our racist history)
  • Eliminate Head Start (helping poor, and colored, children)
  • Outlaw birth control and all abortion in the country
  • Outlaw and imprison pornography and pornographers (an endless fixation of the religious extremists)
  • Establish the Unitary Executive Theory of government - (completely ignore Congress, impound money from all government agencies the President doesn't like, do "whatever the hell the president wants")
  • Put the Right People into all aspect of the Federal Government - how? Schedule F:
SCHEDULE F: government employees are in two categories - those merit based workers, scientists, medical, engineers, etc. who have Civil Service Protection  - cannot be fired for political reasons (about two million people); and Political Appointees (about 4000 people) who are replaced every new administration

  • The extremist MAGAs are reclassifying 50,000 people from protected merit based civil servants, and are advertising for volunteers - what is the first question the applicants are asked?
    • Did Joe Biden steal the 2020 election!!!!!!!
  • This will cause a massive exodus of expertise from all government agencies as the experts are purged and the remainders are reporting to extremist loyalists who are pretty clearly guaranteed to be incompetent politicos and not expert in the field of their appointments.
So, if you are a multi-billionaire this is what you want - get rid of those pesky laws and lawyers and scientists that keep you from befouling the environment or who keep you from your fraudulent business greed and avarice.

And if you are a White Supremacist Christian Nationalist this is what you want - get rid of those pesky laws and lawyers and teachers and librarians and women and black people and brown people and yellow people and red people who keep you from imposing your own racist and puritanical dogma on the land.

Beyond these horrors, we have the demented ravings of Trump himself, of course:
  • Mass deportations of immigrants
  • Put the U.S Military at the southern border for Fortress America
  • Require local police to stop and frisk
  • No funding for schools with mask or vaccine mandates
  • 10% tariffs on all imports (tax what you buy)
  • Revenge on Trump "enemies"
  • Elimination of medical support for trans people
Welcome to the Putinization/Stalinaization/Nazification of America.  

This is not a joke.  And America is much better than these horrors.  All we need to do is see it, pay attention, and keep it from happening.