Tuesday, May 7, 2024

He’s not being tried for illicit sex

In case you were wondering…

Trump is not being tried for cheating on his wife with a porn star and Playboy model.  He’s being tried, once again, for business fraud. It seems to be the only way he does business. And he is being tried for very big election finance violations. Seems to be the only way he campaigns

And he has been found guilty on ten counts of violating his gag order. A gag order is not an infringement on one’s free speech.  A gag order is a condition of release from jail while being tried. Jail can be imposed if he violates the condition of his release. 

Why the gag order? He is being gagged to prevent him from threatening witnesses, prosecutors, juries, and their families.  But he is threatening all of them by naming them and making them targets for his violent Cult. He knows what he is doing. He will kill to stay out of prison. 

Prison please.